Mysterious Handbag of the Gods Depicted All Around the Planet

How is it that depictions of the Anunnaki from thousands of years ago show the gods holding a perplexing bag? In contrast, depictions from ancient Mesoamerican cultures halfway around the planet reveal the same thing. The enigmatic “handbag” of the Gods, as depicted by the prehistoric Sumerian images of the Anunnaki, is visible in a number of ancient American civilizations and even at the world’s oldest megalithic structure – Göbekli Tepe. Can this be a coincidence?

Indisputable data from the past few decades has shown that humans are an amnesic species. Numerous recent findings have led us to reevaluate our understanding of human evolution, ancient cultures, and history in general.

We have been investigating and amassing little parts of a huge puzzle that have guided us in the proper route when looking for answers that mainstream scholars have not been able to fully answer slowly and piece by piece.

How can you explain the many parallels between the tens of thousands of miles apart, civilizations that once called Earth home?

Why did nearly all prehistoric civilizations on Earth choose to construct pyramids? And why do so many pyramids seem so strikingly alike?

It seems as though almost all prehistoric civilizations followed the same model. It seems as though ancient cultures were in contact with one another thousands of years ago.

One of the most perplexing and intriguing mysteries may be linked to Sumer, often known as the Cradle of Civilization, where an enigmatic motif has led many scholars to doubt the accuracy of history as we have been taught.

The Ancient Sumerians painted unexplained objects on their depictions of the Anunnaki. The “hand watch” that appears in almost all depictions of the Sumerian deities and the enigmatic “bag” that the Gods carried were two of the most mysterious artifacts.

Curiously, if we travel thousands of miles from Mesopotamia to America, we discover that other ancient civilizations like the Aztec and Maya used the same symbol to represent their deities.

Additionally, if we travel to Egypt, we will discover that the Egyptian gods carried the Ankh symbol around with them, just as they did in ancient Mesopotamia and the Americas with their handbags.

Why did the gods of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and America represent themselves holding this strange thing in their hands? Is it feasible that the same “Gods” traveled to the ancient cultures in Egypt, America and Mesopotamia?

Contrary to various attributes that clearly distinguish the Anunnaki from regular people, the Ancient Anunnaki Deities were almost always shown as large humanoids, with their facial features always being well-masked by their thick beards.

The tribes of the Americas, together with the Ancient Egyptians did the same thing as the Sumerians in depicting their deities in humanoid forms.

It makes you wounder why did ancient tribes that were thousands of miles apart from one another depict their deities and gods almost exactly the same? Furthermore, how is it even conceivable that cultures living halfway across the world from the Sumerians also described their gods as having a mysterious bag?

There’s a stone stele at the La Venta archeological site showing the ancient Mesoamerican god Quetzalcoatl, who oddly is holding in his hand the very same “bag” that we see in the Sumerian portrayals.

The intriguing depiction, though, was found in Mexico at other locations as well.

If we go to Tula, a significant regional hub that was the Toltec Empire’s capital between the fall of Teotihuacan and the rise of Tenochtitlan, we can see their enormous “Atlantean” statues, and we will see that the enigmatic handbag is once again present.

The same thing can be found if we go to Göbekli Tepe, a lonely hilltop in southern Turkey.

One of the world’s oldest ancient megalithic structures, if not the oldest, is Göbekli Tepe. There, complex, gigantic stone pillars grouped in a series of rings stand tall and proudly narrating a millennia-old tale of the time when various beings ruled the Earth. Despite new evidence to the contrary, it was once thought that the enormous stones were engraved by ancient humans around 12,000 years ago.

The strange temple, which is made up of three enormous stone circles, was buried purposefully in the ancient past for unknown reasons. Archaeologists have been excavating the site for 13 years, but they have not found a single stone-cutting tool. No one can explains explain how these ancient humans, who were thought to be incapable of such accomplishments, built some of the most impressive stone structures on Earth.

Does the existence of the enigmatic bag carried by the gods of old suggest a secret connection between the different cultures of Earth?

Why were the Gods of all ancient civilizations depicted as holding a strange handbag? What did it contain?

Most importantly, how is it even conceivable that the handbag may be found in several civilizations around the world that scholars claim were never connected?

What if the Gods who visited the ancient Aztec, Toltec, Maya, Olmec, and Egyptian civilizations were indeed the same as the Ancient Anunnaki portrayed by the Ancient Sumerians?

What do you suppose this enigmatic bag is supposed to mean? Do you believe that the fact that these three sites, among others—all feature the same object is only a coincidence? What may have been carried by the “Gods,” something so significant that almost all ancient cultures felt the need to depict it?