Alcohol & Spirituality: Why It’s Called SPIRIT

Alcohol is legal, it’s promoted and produced in mass, and millions of people around the globe enjoy it in many different ways. It has become such a common thing in our lives, not everyone stops to consider that there are spiritual consequences to drinking alcohol. Today, I want to discuss those consequences so you can make a more conscious decision about alcohol and decide if it’s worth it.


“Alcohol” derives from the Arabic word “al-kuhl”, which literally translates to “body eating spirit”. The same word is the origin for the word “ghoul” in English. According to Middle Eastern folklore, ghouls are evil demons that consume human bodies, whether it’s children or stolen corpses.

The words “alcohol” and “alembic” are also used as metaphors for “life water” and “spirit”. These words are also used to refer to distilled liquid produced by the magical explorations of alchemy in the Middle East.

Alcohol is used in alchemy to extract an entity’s soul essence. That’s why it is used to sterilize medical instruments and also extract essences for essential oils. When you consume alcohol, it extracts the soul’s essence, which makes the body a lot more vulnerable to low-frequency entities.

This is why excessive alcohol consumption causes people to blackout, not remembering what they did the night before. This happens because our souls leave our bodies when we’ve created living conditions that are incredibly polluted or traumatic.

Our good soul leaves the body but it stays connected by a thread, but it gives dark entities the opportunity to take over and they have fun with our bodies. So when you drink alcohol or pollute your body in any other way, it makes your body vulnerable to possession by other entities.

If you do the research and think about it, it’s no coincidence that alcohol is often called “spirit”. The history behind this intoxicating substance is deep, and it goes back centuries. There are tons of layers of information throughout the world’s cultures, and sometimes we have to look below the surface to see the truth about alcohol. It is not a harmless substance and consumption should not be taken lightly.

Clairvoyant Experience

The story of a clairvoyant woman shared in The Costarica News website shares great light into the topic. According to the woman, she had a vision a few years back. In the vision, she was observing a lively bar from above and, as she watched, she noticed a variety of dark entities lurking around. 

Everyone in the bar seemed to be having a good time and they were drinking, socializing, and dancing. One person, in particular, became utterly intoxicated, and she watched as their soul left their body while being connected by a thread. At this point, she understood that the person’s good soul was experiencing discomfort, so it left the body. 

When it did, the ghoul-like entities that were lurking around the bar latched onto the person’s body. At that moment, the clairvoyant woman understood why so many intoxicated people are often found responsible for a great variety of dark and bad actions, including violence, base sexual encounters, rape, destructive behavior, and more.

In the book Man’s Eternal Quest by Paramahansa Yogananda, the spiritual master described the exact scenario the woman saw in the vision. As a result, she started to think about her life and the experiences she had. She realized she’s been with people who were being controlled by dark spirits when they became too drunk, and she could see the entities.

Because of her clairvoyant gifts, she can see things that are beyond what our senses can perceive. Clairvoyance can present itself in many different ways, whether that’s extrasensory perception, telepathy, psychic powers, and more.

For her, it’s clairaudience, which opened her up to the perception of words and sounds from the spirit world. She’s been an empath and spiritually intuitive since she was a child, so she can see spiritual manifestations and energies that are invisible to others. When she started analyzing her life, she realized she had encountered many of these dark entities in the past when she was with inebriated people.

It’s also worthy to note the psychological advertising techniques used in alcohol ads. Almost all of those ads include hidden images and messages which are only perceived by the subconscious.

Why? Because advertisers understand that the subconscious has a lot of weight in our decision-making process, beliefs, reactions, feelings, and more. That’s why they use these kinds of techniques not just for alcohol advertisements but for other polluting products. This is how they get people to buy their products, which makes people apathetic and obedient.

Most of the hidden images and messages were sexual in nature because that’s the kind of content that influences people’s basest urges, and it’s something that can connect with our primal nature.

Why do marketing professionals feel the need to coerce their audience with the use of subliminal messaging? Why do they need a tool like that to get people to buy their products? Is it perhaps because these products are incredibly harmful to our bodies and souls?

Something Needs to Change

How many times have you been inebriated? How many times have you been around inebriated people? And how many times has it led to behavior that’s uncommon and doesn’t really align with the person’s values?

Intoxicated people suddenly become more prone to violence and sexual promiscuity. They are also more likely to consume more harmful substances, destroy property, and other dark actions. Now, I ask you, is that kind of behavior an expression of love, light, and positivity? Are these actions a good example of health and consciousness?

Alcohol has so many negative effects on our bodies, and they are well-known. Drinking alcohol kills our brain cells, damages our livers, and weakens our immune system. Long-term alcohol consumption can cause weight gain, liver disease, decreased intelligence, and it can also have negative effects on our hormones.

As you may already know, drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause many issues for the baby, such as mental retardation, congenital disabilities, and deformities. Even though we are aware of all the negatives alcohol provides, it is still being mass-produced and mass-consumed by our society.

It’s also funny that alcohol is perfectly legal, but psychedelics are illegal in most countries, such as the US. When used safely and consciously, psychedelics, which are known as “visionary medicine”, promote the expansion of the mind, and it allows us to have spiritual experiences where we can commune with the divine, heal spiritual and physical issues, find inspiration and align ourselves with the purpose of our souls.

Why would psychedelics, which are proven to be more positive than substances like alcohol, are illegal? Could it be because it’s a way to keep us asleep and keep us from reaching a higher spiritual potential or find empowerment and enlightenment?

As we do our best to awaken, heal, and transform the world around us, I pray we all open our eyes to the reality of alcohol. Evil forces are trying to keep us asleep and oppressed, so we don’t come into our power, and alcohol is a big part of that.

How many families have been broken by alcohol? How many lives have been lost? How many people have engaged with violence and destruction because of alcohol? Too many to count. So, I ask you, does alcohol make us healthier, smarter, and better people? I don’t think so, which is why something needs to change.

Let’s advocate for activities and practices that actually enhance our health and our spirituality and move away from alcohol consumption. This is how we can be awakened and lead more empowered and enlightened lives!

Final Words

I hope today’s article has opened your eyes to the reality of alcohol. I encourage you to consider the information I’ve shared with you today and wake up to the fact that alcohol has nothing good to offer. It doesn’t matter how it is advertised or how much fun it may seem. Ultimately, alcohol only leads to bad things, and it opens us up to dark entities that will take control of our bodies. 

I want you to think about alcohol and consider how it has affected your life or the lives of people you know. I also want you to consider the effects of alcohol on society at large. Think about the damage it has caused and what it has led to in so many different situations. 

My hope for you is that you take this information and learn from it so you can make better choices. Not just for your body, but also for your mind and your spirit. It’s important that you make conscious and informed decisions that will actually improve your health and your life. The more we awaken to the truth of alcohol, the better. You need to seek freedom from agendas that are trying to control our minds and the things in life that are meant to keep you from enlightenment and empowerment.

If you want to have a positive influence and help create the kind of world that’s positive and more enlightened, it’s important to advocate for the things that further that mission. It’s also important to condemn the things that are meant to keep us asleep and obedient, including alcohol and other substances that pollute our minds and our bodies. 

We have to wake up to the fact that some everyday products are harmful to us and our spirits. The things we consume and introduce to our bodies affect us in every possible way, so we have to consider the spiritual consequences of our actions and make the best choices. This is what will allow us to take care of our good souls!