Blind Mystic Baba Vanga and Her Shocking Prophecies

Early Life of Baba Vanga


Born as Vangeliya Pandeva Surcheva on January 31, 1911, Baba Vanga is a renowned Bulgarian blind mystic whose predictions and prophecies are still a subject of discussion decades after her death.


Baba Vanga was also a herbalist and a clairvoyant. Her parents died while she was pretty young, forcing her to be raised by close family, friends, and neighbors. As a child, Vangeliya was very intelligent for her age as she thought out games for herself and started practicing healing.

According to Vangeliya’s testimony, her life took a turn one day when a tornado swept her and lifted her into the air, throwing her in a neighboring field. She was later found after a very long search, and the witnesses said that she was terrified and her eyes were full of dust and sand, and she was unable to open them due to the pain. 


The aftermath of the tornado gradually led to Vangeliya losing her eyesight after operations to restore her vision were unsuccessful. 


The loss of her eyesight, however, unlocked her psychic powers and prophetic abilities.


Baba Vanga’s Prophetic Abilities

During WW2, Vanga’s prowess and abilities started attracting large masses of people. She could predict if a soldier was dead or alive and even when he would come home. 
Her ability to soothsay and heal also grew, and a lot of people started visiting her daily.


When Bulgaria allied with the Third Reich and joined the Axis, it’s been said that Adolf Hitler himself visited her small village just to gain an audience with her and seek her prophecies. It’s no secret that Hitler was a believer of the occult and a pursuer of mysticism.



According to the story, Hitler left Baba Vanga’s house pretty upset, apparently not happy with her predictions on his fate.  


On April 8, 1942, Baba Vanga was visited by the monarch of Bulgaria – Tsar Boris III. At the end of the session, Vanga told him to remember the date, August 28. One year later, in 1943, Tsar Boris III died on that exact date, and the cause of his death is unknown to this day. 


Word of Vanga’s powers and abilities continued spreading all over, and commoners and dignitaries constantly visited her. 


In 1952, Baba Vanga made an accurate prediction of the date of Stalin’s death. However, since Bulgaria was now a communist country, this prediction was seen as a threat against the Soviets, and Vanga was imprisoned. One year later, Stalin was found dead on the exact day Vanga predicted – March 5, and she was released. 


In the following years, many Bulgarian leaders and politicians from various Soviet Republics, including the Soviet Union, continued to seek her counsel. Even though she was semi-illiterate and blind, she somehow predicted many global events.


Most of her predictions took decades before they manifested. For example, in 1980, Baba Vanga made a chilling prediction when she said:

“Kursk will be covеred with water, and the whole world will mourn over it.”

This was a strange prediction because the Russian city of Kursk is almost 400 miles (600 km) away from the sea. Nevertheless, it was 20 years later when this prophecy was understood. On August 12, 2000, the Russian nuclear submarine “Kursk” sank in the Barents Sea, killing 118 people on board, becoming one of Russia’s biggest naval disasters.



In 1989, Baba Vanga made another chilling prediction. Her words were:


“Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.”


The terrors of the 9/11 and the World Trade Center attack then manifested in 2001.


She also envisioned Russia’s dominance and Putin emerging as a prominent leader more than 40 years ago, when in her 1979 meeting with writer Valentin Sidorov Vanga reportedly said:

“All will thaw, as if ice, only one remain untouched — Vladimir’s glory, the glory of Russia. Too much is brought in a victim. Nobody can stop Russia. All will be removed by her from the way and not only will be kept but also becomes the lord of the world.”

True to these predictions, Vladimir is said to have been victorious on several occasions.


She had many more predictions that turned out true, like the rise of ISIS, the rise of power of China, and many other. She even predicted the fatal tsunami in 2004 that killed 220,000 people in Southeast Asia, when she warned that: 

“A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice.” 

The Source of Her Powers


Baba Vanga’s powers were astonishing, and many institutions tried to understand them with no success. Among them were the institutes of Parapsychology and Suggestology.


She claimed that her abilities and powers originated from invisible creatures that she could not explain, but she also said her power was God-given. She believed in God and was a Christian, although the official Orthodox church declined to make her a saint as according to Christian tradition, there can’t be prophets and prophecy other than the old prophets of the Bible. 


When someone visited Baba Vanga, she could see his dead relatives next to him and even communicate with them. This was proven because she accurately told the names of past relatives of people in front of her without knowing them. She transitioned many messages from the other side and helped many grieving people in that way.


She knew if someone was about to die soon and usually told these people to go away without telling them, they were about to die. She knew there was nothing she could do to change their fates.


If you’re familiar with our YouTube channel, you probably watched our video about the Akashic Records. Our theory is that Baba Vanga, among many other prophets like Nostradamus, accessed the so-called Akashic record to gain the information she was receiving.



The Akashic record is an energy field surrounding all of us – a great field of information about everything there is and will be. Some gifted people can tune their consciousness into specific frequencies and access this field and receive information.



Future Predictions of Baba Vanga

There are many predictions Baba Vanga made that are yet to come. Some of them are very scary and hopefully won’t manifest. 


An example is a Cataclysmic tsunami that is predicted to strike Asia. After this prediction, Vanga prophesied that meteorite strikes and earthquakes would follow the tsunami. Baba Vanga predicted that in 2021, the world would suffer from numerous great disasters and cataclysms, making the consciousness of people to change.


She predicted that during the twenty-first century, there would be difficult times, and people would be divided by their faith. 


The most outlandish prediction by Baba Vanga regarding the twenty-first century is the prophecy that a dragon would take over the planet earth, presumably in 2021. In her own words, she stated that:

“A strong dragon will seize humanity. The three giants will unite. Some people will have red money”. 

She further said:

“I see the numbers 100, 5, and many zeros”.

According to some interpreters, the dragon is presumed to be China. Speculations are that the other three giants could be India, China, and Russia and that the money could be 5000 ruble notes and 100 yuan, which are both red in color.


With the numerous uncertainties revolving around the world’s superpowers which China is a member, many people are of the opinion that the predictions may be coming true since China has of late risen economically and is head-on competing with the United States of America. 


In addition to these future predictions, Baba Vanga also predicted the end of the world. According to Baba Vanga’s prophecy, the human generation still has 3058 more years before the world ends. She foretold that the world would end in the year 5079 though she did estimate that devastating things would happen in 2022. Her predictions of 2022 have got people talking, especially in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, which has severely impacted the whole world.


The extreme climatic conditions can also be classified as part of the devastating occurrences predicted for 2022.


Baba Vanga prophesied further into the future and claimed that petrol production would stop and finally the earth would rest. She stated that trains would move by the use of solar energy.


The blind mystic also predicted that there would be an end to world hunger by the year 2028 and that the earth would become uninhabited by 2341.


Though strange, Baba Vanga predicted the invasion of earth by aliens. She claimed that within 200 years, humans would be in contact with extraterrestrials. She stated that:

“Life in cosmos will be discovered, and it will be clear how life on earth first appeared.” 

She further added that human beings would get in touch with spiritual beings from other worlds.



The Legacy of Baba Vanga


In 1996, Vanga was sent to the Governmental Hospital in awful condition. For the next week, her last one, Baba Vanga, and her condition were the major talk in the country. The cause of her death was not cancer, however, but exhaustion and dehydration.


Vanga has had breast cancer for several years. She didn’t want to treat herself as she wasn’t afraid of the afterlife and did not want to extend her lifespan artificially. 


At the time of her death, Baba Vanga had made a name for herself, and 85% of her prophecies had come to pass, which made her a legit mystic; hence her prophecies regarding the future are still being believed.


Many esoteric books were written about her prophecies, and she became an icon for mysticism.

She was taking endless care of people from all over the world for more than 55 years, exhausting herself even at her last moments. People say that Vanga’s last words were,

“Do not quarrel with each other. Love each other. You are all my children.”