How to Manifest Love using The Law of Attraction

How to Manifest Love

It’s safe to say that we all want love. The head-spinning, heart racing sensation of spending your life with someone who values you above all else is unmatched. In a world full of instant gratification and the prospect of romance becoming less common many are asking ‘How can I manifest love?

With the law of attraction, there are no limitations to what you can manifest. Love is no exception to this universal law. Try these methods to help you manifest the partner of your dreams and live the life that you have always wanted.

Know what you want

If you want to manifest love then you need to ask yourself what love looks like to you. Get a sense of what kind of relationship you want and answer these questions – how do you want your partner to treat you? How will you treat them? What kind of qualities do you want your partner to have?

Make a list and outline everything that you want. Set your intention with the universe and put your desires out into the cosmos. This is also a great way to find out what you need to work on and prepare for their arrival.

Act As If

Step into character and act as if you are already in the relationship that you want. You become what you think you are, therefore if you feel as though you are in a loving relationship you will attract one. As you practice this more often you will become the embodiment of love.

One important part of this method is to create space in your life. If your home is designed for one instead of two then you need to do a clear out. When you free up space new energy will enter into it.

Love Yourself

They say that you can’t expect someone to love you if you don’t love yourself. This is only partially true, we are always learning how to love ourselves as we are constantly changing. The position that you can be in is to love yourself, accept your flaws and continue to grow.

However, loving yourself is a great way to feel the love that you want someone else to have for you. Set the standard of what you expect from your partner by exhibiting and showing that same love to yourself. By doing this you will manifest your ideal partner in no time.


You can use all the techniques in the world to manifest your dream partner, but if you don’t believe that it’s possible then how do you expect it to happen? You need to have faith in the process. When you believe you will achieve – that is the secret.

You deserve to be loved and the relationship that you desire is waiting for you. Don’t doubt yourself for one second. Everything that you can possibly want is ready for the taking.

Trust that everything will work out in your favor. The universe is on your side and it wants you to experience all the blessings that love can bring.