Reptilian Nomoli Statues Left By Fallen Angels

On March 23, 1991, civil war broke out in the west African country of Sierra Leone. It was a conflict instigated largely over control of the country’s diamonds, which Sierra Leone possessed in greater quantities than almost any other nation on earth, and over the course of more than a decade, it would leave more than 50,000 people dead.

As the conflict raged, military forces fought over the country’s diamond-rich areas, while at the same time, smugglers and representatives from private companies in Europe, North America, and elsewhere, flooded the region, hoping to use war as a cover to grab a piece of the pie for themselves.

Yet, as the ground was opened up in a search for precious stones, diamonds were not all that was found. Deep beneath the earth, mysterious objects were found, objects long buried which would challenge our understanding of African history, and the history of humanity itself …

The Nomoli Statues From Sierra Leone

Early in 1991, representatives from a foreign mining company were hunting for diamonds in Sierra Leone when they came across a most unusual and unexpected find. Digging deep beneath the earth, they began to uncover a number of mysterious stone statues carved from soapstone, clay, and granite, which appeared to depict humanoid figures.

On the surface, this was not the most groundbreaking of discoveries. Similar stone figures had been noted as early as the 1400s by Portuguese explorers as they sailed down the western coast of Africa. The locals called them “Nomoli,” and by the 1850s, an American missionary named George Thompson had provided the first official description of these statues in the West.

During his time traveling through Sierra Leone, Thompson wrote in his journal,

This evening, I found a nest of old, broken, graven images. There were five of them lying at the foot of a small tree, where a town once stood, which was destroyed by war. They are made of stone, intended as an imitation of something, perhaps of human beings.”

From that point forward, the Nomoli statues became the subject of intense curiosity and debate in scholarly circles around the world.

Oddly though, despite more than a century-and-a-half of intensive study, scholars and scientists have never been able to determine where the Nomoli statues came from, who created them, or what their purpose was. When questioned, local tribes who have lived in the area for centuries insisted that they had not made the statues, rather, that they had been left there by the previous inhabitants of the area sometime in the distant past. Who these ancient ancestors were, and what happened to them, scientists were unsure. Some dated the statues to 500 BCE, while others believed that they might have been created thousands of years before that.

And yet, as mysterious as the Nomoli statues already were, the mystery reached a whole different level when new figures were discovered by diamond hunters in 1991.

Reptilian Nomoli Statues

Traditionally, Nomoli statues depicted human figures with outsized characteristics, but those found in 1991 were something different. They appeared to depict some sort of hybrid humanoids, a cross between humans and reptiles, figures with a human body but a lizard head, or vice versa. Adding to the mystery was the fact that these figures had been discovered exceptionally deep in the earth, within a geological layer corresponding with a time period between 12,000 and 17,000 BCE.

Could these reptilian Nomoli figures really be that old? And if so, who was around that far in the past to make them, and why did they do it?

While scientists were baffled, local tribes had an answer. 

Ancient Alien Visitation

According to local oral tradition, sometime in the distant past, angels living in the heavens had been exiled to earth as punishment for bad behavior. The tradition states that these angels,

“They wandered unhindered, in places where no man has been before. They could not be seen face to face, for their eyes were as bright as the sun. These creatures were forbidden to enter the divine empire and were exiled to Earth.”

The reptilian Nomoli statues were, according to locals, representations of these fallen angels, a reminder of their banishment from the “divine empire” and exile to Earth.

Interestingly, a similar story of angels coming to earth exists in numerous cultures across the globe, from the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians to the Mayans and Aztecs, to the cultures of India and Japan, to even the Christian and Hebrew bibles. When looking specifically at the Nomoli and their purportedly reptilian form, those who have visited our blog and YouTube channel before might immediately think of the ancient Sumerian story of the Anunnaki, who many believe were a race of reptilian extraterrestrials who came to earth sometime deep in the past.

Could the Nomoli statues really be the representations of ancient reptilian visitors sometime deep in the ancient past? One thing is for sure, as the statues began to undergo study, things only got stranger …

Advanced Ancient Civilization or Alien Visitors?

Among those who discovered these new, reptilian Nomoli statues in 1991 was an Italian man named Angelo Pitoni. When he ventured to conduct an examination on one of these statues, he noticed a strange sound emanating from within it. Curious, Pitoni conducted an x-ray, which seemed to show a small ball lodged inside. He cut the statue open, and much to his amazement, out fell a small, perfectly spherical metal ball, which, when it was subjected to tests, was found to be made of chromium and steel.

How could this be possible? The earliest known production of steel was around 2000 BCE, yet the statue had been recovered in a geological layer indicating it was created between 12,000 and 17,000 BCE. Also, chromium was not isolated by humans until 1797. The ball’s perfect spherical shape indicated that whoever made it must have had access to sophisticated shaping technology. It seemed to Pitoni, and others who examined the ball, that the only explanation for the strange artifacts was that they were left there by an advanced ancient civilization, or by ancient extraterrestrial vistors.

Could this really be true? Could the creators of these reptilian Nomoli statues really have had access to advanced technology which would not appear among the rest of humanity for thousands of years?