The Starchild Skull & Starchild Beings

The Starchild Skull was found in Copper Canyon in Mexico in 1920. A teenage girl was exploring a mine and found two skulls, one of which was normal, and the other the 900-year old Starchild Skull.


In 1999, the Starchild skull was obtained by American researcher Lloyd Pye. Lloyd Pye was so fascinated by the skull that he devoted his life to researching every aspect of it. It was determined that the skull was around 900 or 1000 years old. Dental testing suggested that the age of the child was no more than five years old, and many scientists believed the form of the skull was due to a genetic disorder such as Hydrocephalus. This condition involves more fluid than usual in the skull, which causes it to enlarge. There is a clear groove at the back of the skull on the Starchild Skull, which is not in keeping with skulls affected by Hydrocephalus.

Considering the skull is meant to be that of a five-year-old, the most confusing thing about this skull to many researchers is that it’s 10 percent bigger in volume than an adult’s skull. This, along with the other research that was documented, clearly suggests it did not come from a human.

The skull is half as thick as human bones and twice as dense, yet it’s extremely strong and seems to be constructed with a powerful web. The reddish recede is quite similar to bone marrow but not exactly the same as that of a typical human. Therefore, it’s not just the unique shape we need to consider but the look and feel of the skull as a whole.

One thing that really makes the Starchild Skull stand out is the lack of sinus cavity and the additional attachments. The ears are lower, yet there’s a huge hearing region, making it seem this skull is part human but part another creature or race. One of the creatures that it has been most closely linked to is the Grey Alien, which has unusual eyes and an expanded head shape.

2003 DNA tests suggested there was no nuclear DNA from the mother and father, even after six attempts to find this. Thereover, conclusions were drawn that this could be the child of an alien father but a human mother. Further research then considered the fact that the mother’s DNA was also not human and so could be a fully alien skull.

As you can see, the research on the Starchild Skull has never been able to draw any definite conclusions. 2016 research suggested the child was male with a Native American mother. Certain disorders were mentioned in reference to the shape of the skull, including various diseases, marking the skull as Brachycephalic instead of Hydrocephalus as it was often considered before. These conclusions suggested the skull was fully human, but there were still areas within the DNA testing that left uncertainties about this answer.


Opinions are still divided about this skull, with some believing it’s just the skull of a young child, whereas others see a mixture between an alien and a child.


Star Children Throughout History

Star Children are discussed on every continent on the planet, and they are children who are believed to have been descended from the stars. They come with superhuman intelligence and mysterious powers, with access to information that a regular human wouldn’t have. You might have heard of them referred to as Indigo Children, but ancient astronaut theorists have nicknamed them Star Children.

There are some incredible accounts about Star Children in the world today, all of whom possess extraordinary abilities at an incredibly young age.

Could it be that Star Children have been on this planet for thousands of years, and this skull is the proof we finally need of their existence?

In fact, some researchers believe Star Children could have been around for thousands of years at this point, dating back to the time of Pythagoras, who found the baby Astraeus. This young boy was surviving looking up at the sun with just the dew that was dripping from the tree above him. His given name means “star child,” which is a clear indication of his unique talents and abilities from a young page. Some people even believe Pythagoras gained his advanced mathematical knowledge from the young boy, who was sent to our planet to help share the concepts that shaped our planet today.

The Greek myth states that Pythagoras was given the child by his father, Mnesarchus, to work as his apprentice. However, others believe he received his theories and mathematical knowledge from this talented boy who would be one of the first reported Star Children.

There are many legends based on Pythagoras, and it’s a fascinating topic to research to see which story you believe is most likely to be true. Aristotle often described Pythagoras as a supernatural human, while he was also seen in multiple locations at one time, according to other tales. Others heard the river Kosas welcome Pythagoras by his name, and further stories suggest he was the son of Apollo.

All of these legends come together to indicate that he certainly had unique abilities and talents, but was this all really another example of Star Children on our planet? We all know that history tries to find logical explanations for various events, but maybe there’s something much greater trying to control the key figures who shaped our world.

There’s no denying that Indigo Children are clearly a fascinating area of study, with thousands of them potentially joining us on the planet each year. However, this isn’t the strangest of skulls that’s ever been discovered. Let’s take a look now at the skull with horns that was found in the 1880s in Sayre. While this story is certainly quite different from the two we shared above, it’s another great example of unusual skulls and the life that has been on this planet before our current time.