What Is the Law of Attraction and How to Use it?

What Is the Law of Attraction?

Most of us have heard about the Law of Attraction. It’s a hot topic right now as many have started to discover the life-changing magic that lies within. Despite its popularity, many are unsure about what the law of attraction entails and how it can be used in our lives.

We’ll uncover the meaning behind the law of attraction and how you can use it to create the life of your dreams. If you’re ready for a new beginning this is the information that you need to know.

What Does It Mean?

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. What we think and believe we are, we are. Essentially, the law believes that we are in control of our lives. Contrary to popular belief, life isn’t happening to us, we are experiencing a projection of our thoughts.

This is a law that is as old as time. Just as gravity keeps us with our feet firmly on the ground, we are constantly manifesting. Our thoughts and feelings are energy, just as everything else in the universe is. With intention behind them, we can manifest and impress our desires onto the universe.

Using the Law

To consciously use the law of attraction we have to understand that our current reality is a reflection of our thoughts. We can control and take charge of our circumstances by using the simple formula of ask, believe, and receive. To start the manifestation process we have to set the intention of what we want to manifest.

This is the asking stage in the manifestation process. We have to be clear about what it is that we want to manifest. When we know what it is that needs to change in our lives we can work to actively make it happen.

The believe stage involves feeling as though you can have what you want to attract. It is the best time to shift the existing beliefs that have held us back from manifesting our dreams. If we want to change our circumstances we have to shift our beliefs.

To receive you need to feel as though you already have what you want to manifest. Get excited and act as if it is already yours! Once you tap into the energy of having what you want you will attract it into your life with ease.


Anything Is Possible

There are no limitations to the law of attraction. If you can imagine something then it has the potential to manifest. If life responds to the images that you hold in your mind then the possibilities can stretch as far as your imagination can do.

Making the law of attraction work for you is simple once you remove blockages within your belief system. You have to feel as though you deserve to have what you want and that you can create a new reality for yourself. The power is within you, it always has been and always will be.